Mortal remains of 400 Pakistani Hindus, Sikhs brought to India for immersion

The mortal remains of 400 Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs who died in the past decade have been brought to India through the Attari-Wagah joint check post for their immersion in the Holy Ganga River at Haridwar. These ashes have been lying with the concerned families in Pakistan since 2011 till date, for immersion in the Ganges.


Punjab Police Protocol Officer Arun Mahal told our Jalandhar Correspondent that 350 ashes belong to Hindus and 50 to Sikhs. These include women, children and the elderly who died due to illness, or accidents.


The ashes were brought by Ramnath Maharaj, a priest of Panchmukhi Hanuman Temple in Karachi and his family members in large bags to immerse them as per the rituals yesterday.


Central Chronicle is daily English Newspaper of Chhattisgarh. Central Chronicle has own website it is first news website in Chhattisgarh.

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