Central Chronicle News
Bhilai, Nov 20: A division level review meeting for paddy procurement and custom milling for Kharif year 2021-22 was organized by the Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Department at District Collectorate. The review meeting was presided over by Topeshwar Verma, Secretary, Food Civil Supplies Corporation and Consumer Protection.
He informed that from December 01, paddy purchase will commence on support price for 2021-22 through procurement centers in the entire state. The state government has given additional grants to the farmers through the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana.
Due to which the number of farmers producing paddy and the quantity of paddy to be procured has increased. He asked to pay special attention to the quality of paddy, gunny bag system, stacking, maintenance, safety, lifting and quality etc during paddy procurement. He discussed the shortcomings, difficulties and practical problems which were witnessed in the previous years and instructed the officials to solve them. Along with the arrangements of the committees, paddy handling, transportation, training of officers and employees, custom milling and other important topics were discussed in detail.
Priority will be given to small and marginal farmers for tokens and a transparent system will also be created. Arrangements will also be made for issuing of tokens in advance at the procurement center. Arrangements will be made to give tokens to the farmers of the same village simultaneously on the same day so that the farmers get convenience.
For the arrangement of gunny bags, planning will be done at various levels including the Samiti level. Gunny bag supervisors will be appointed in the districts. Arrangements for gunny bags will also be made from PDS and millers. In the procurement center, an employee will be assigned the job as gunny supervisor so that proper accounting of gunny bags can be done.
Special monitoring will be done to prevent illegal transportation of paddy in border districts. Food Secretary Topeshwar Verma said that Rajnandgaon shares its border with Maharashtra and Kabirdham shares its border with Madhya Pradesh. Further, Durg, Balod and Bemetara also share their borders with other districts. In view of the possibility of illegal paddy transportation from across the border, it is necessary that special vigil should be kept on these areas so that illegal transportation of paddy can be stopped. The cooperation of check posts and police will also be taken to monitor the border areas of Durg District. In the initial stage itself, maximum action will be taken to curb this illegal activity.
An estimated increase of 57,436 tonnes in paddy procurement has been made in Durg district as compared to last year. In comparison to last year, 11123 more farmers have registered. Hence there is a need to develop additional storage capacity this year. Special attention will be given to the selection of land for collection centre, arrangement related to stacking and cap cover. Arrangement of ground levelling and fencing will be made at the procurement centres. Termites will be sprayed on the prepared stack and 2 layers will be made by filling straw in the empty cement sack on the ground. Cap cover will also be provided to cover the stacks in case of rain.
Instructions were given to display the information of farmers’ registration, names and their area in the committees. The status of shortages in the procurement centers was reviewed. It was asked to purchase paddy with a target of zero shortage. If there is a problem of water stagnation, drainage system, drinking water, gate, fire fighting, first aid etc, all the preparations were asked to be done before November in the procurement centres. Instructions were given to complete the training of nodal officers in time-limit.
Kiran Kaushal, MD, Markfed said that the FAQ will have to be strictly followed with paddy procurement. Stacking should be done according to the variety of paddy. Particular care should be taken that the old paddy does not mix with the new paddy. Paddy lifting, transportation and delivery to FCI and Civic Supplies Corporation should also be started soon.
Food Secretary Topeshwar Verma said that the Government of India has given consent to take 45 lakh metric tonnes of Arva rice from Chhattisgarh this year. Therefore it is necessary to promote Arva milling in Chhattisgarh and get the millers registered for Arva rice milling.
On the occasion, Collector Dr Sarveshwar Narendra Bhure said that this work is one of the important programs run by the state government and is related to the interest of farmers. Therefore it is necessary that the administration makes this activity successful by working on a war footing. Collectors of various districts including Ramesh Kumar Sharma (Collector Kabirdham), Taran Prakash Sinha (Collector Rajnandgaon), Janmejay Mahobe (Collector Balod) and Vilas Bhoskar Sandipan (Collector Bemetara) shared their views.
Food, Civil Supplies Corporation and Consumer Protection, Niranjan Das, Managing Director Civil Supplies Corporation (CG), Manoj Soni, Special Secretary Food Civil Supplies Corporation and Consumer Protection, Additional Director Rajiv Jaiswal and other officers and employees were